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HRTC v Hatfield

HRTC v Hatfield - Match Result

HRTC won another club match on Sunday by defeating Hatfield 3-1.

HRTC v Hatfield

Match1: Ed Popplewell & Jill Newby v Martin Richards & Andy Lloyd - 3/6 0/6

Match 2: Richard Merryweather & Andy Parkinson v Jonathan Fisher & Jo Thompson - 6/1 6/2

Match 3: Yuri Kugler & Christopher Figg v Andrew Bourcier & Martin Richards - 6/2 6/3

Match 4: Nigel Kenyon & Tania Millard v Lis Hughes & Martin Tate - 6/4 6/3

Thank you to Jill Newby for being match manager and providing a delicious lunch on the day.

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