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HRTC v Old Rugbeians

HRTC v Old Rugbeians - Match Result

HRTC won another club match on Saturday by narrowly defeating the Old Rugbeians 39-31 on total games.

HRTC v Old Rugbeians

Match1: Yuri Kugler & Martin Roberts v Paul Yates & Alan Everett - 3/6 5/6

Match 2: Andy Parkinson & Richard Lawrence v Daniel Jessel & Richard Bray - 6/3 6/1

Match 3: Mark Piper & Christopher Figg v Tim Bolton Carter & Edward Hess - 6/1 6/2

Match 4: Renaud Besnard & Attila Kerekes v Oliver Buckley & Nigel Stafford - 3/6 4/6

Thank you to Oliver Buckley for being match manager and providing a delicious lunch on the day.

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